January 2025

January 4, 2025


Happy New Year—only a few days late! We made a quick trip to Florida for some warmth and to visit family. Now we’re back in time for the snow! We’re planning to be open Monday afternoon, but you should probably call before you come since it sounds like we may get snow in the double-digits! (Lynne’s a big fan of Jay’s Wintry Mix on Facebook and he’s predicting another storm for the 11th and 12th . . .)

If you’re looking for something to do today, local historian and mapmaker Eugene Scheel is being honored at 4 p.m. at the Waterford Old School Auditorium. RSVP on Facebook at BIT.LY/3VPKTKJ. Mr. Scheel, who lives in Waterford, has been called a modern-day Jed Hotchkiss, the renowned Civil War mapmaker, by the Virginia Historical Society because his maps are so detailed and are drawn by hand. Shown below for comparison are a map by Confederate Major Hotchkiss and one by Mr. Scheel; copies of the Loudoun County map are available directly from Mr. Scheel who may be contacted via email at genescheel@icloud.com.



For those of you who are fans of our neighbor Dirt Farm Brewing, their trails and taproom will be closed the 6th-8th and 13th-15th to get some projects done, but the trails and driveway will be open Saturdays and Sundays this month from 10-11. If you’ve made a resolution to get in shape this year, just walking up and down their drive a few times should help considerably! If you’ve done so, you’ll know what we mean, though one does work up quite a thirst, which can then be satisfied in the taproom . . .

Have a great month leading into what promises to be a wonderful year!

Bob & Lynne McCann