August 2019

33747 Snickersville Turnpike, Suite 101

Bluemont, VA 20135


August 1, 2019

Like Craftsman style furniture? Then you may appreciate this month’s featured recent acquisition shown below, a table made by L. & J.G. Stickley, which used that mark from 1925 to 1985. It’s the most common Stickley shop mark and is used on almost every piece of furniture made by Stickley for 60 years. The five Stickley brothers—Gustav, Albert, Charles, Leopold and John George—profoundly affected American furniture through sixty years of collaboration and competition. From 1883 to 1918, every Stickley had worked with each brother in at least one venture, though never did all five work together. Brothers Leopold and John George, the youngest, co-founded The Onondaga Shops, named after the county in New York where the company was located. The name later changed to L. & J.G. Stickley. While Leopold was the driving force behind the company, John George was considered the best furniture salesman of his time. Leopold is shown below in a sketch from about 1915 enjoying his favorite hobbies: golfing, automobiling, hunting, and fishing.  The original factory in the background is now the home of The Stickley Museum—and as it’s now on my bucket list, I guess I’ll soon be visiting Fayetteville, NY!






Good news: Cecil is expected to return to work on the 9th! The timing is perfect as Bob will be away from August 12-21. Never a dull moment . . .

Lynne & Bob McCann