June 2022

May 23, 2022


You’re probably wondering why you’re getting another newsletter already. There are two reasons:  much is going on over the holiday weekend that may be of interest and we’re going on a vacation that will have us gone on June 1st.

Among the Memorial Day festivities in Western Loudoun are:


  • Round Hill Hometown Festival on May 28th that includes a 5K, a memorial ceremony, a downhill derby, a children’s activity area, and a full day of entertainment on stage. There’s even a pie-eating contest, which may be more fun to watch than to participate in . . .
  • Hamilton Day on May 30th with a fun run at 8, parade at 11, and party in the park from noon until 2. This is always a great small-town event with pony rides, fire trucks, a petting zoo, glitter tattoos, etc. Food is available for purchase and the Hamilton Baptist Church usually gives away ice cream, which can be very welcome on a hot day!


Early June brings the annual Western Loudoun Art and Studio Tour on the 3rd through the 5th from 10 until 5. This is an opportunity not only to meet local artists who specialize in painting, ceramics, jewelry, photography, fiber arts, and more, but also to see where they create their masterpieces. There will also be pieces for sale. My favorites are the miniature quilts by Kathie Ratcliffe in Waterford, which is wonderful town to visit anyway. The list of artists who are participating this year and both interactive and printable maps are available at wlast.org.

The Round Hill Appalachian Trail Festival will be held on the 11th at B Chord Brewing. This free, family-friendly event will include trail talks, activities for children, live music, food, and vendors. More info is at www.roundhillat.org.

With Father’s Day being the following weekend, Great Country Farms will have their Fish-A-Rama, a catch-and-release event ideal for the little ones. We’re so happy these annual events are back and hope you’ll enjoy them!

As for special hours, we’ll be closed on Saturday, May 28th and June 4th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Hopefully we’ll have some photos and stories to share when we return. (Fingers crossed!)


Bob & Lynne McCann

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