April 2020

April 1, 2020

Dear Friends,

We hope you’re staying healthy and safe!  Bob and Cecil continue to work, but since they each have their own workshop, they’re more isolated at work than they are at home!  (Bob isn’t too happy that I’ve taken over the antique, rolltop desk for telework purposes, so having him at the store is better for both of us.)

This month’s featured Recent Acquisition is a hutch table, which is a piece of furniture that converts from a table into a bench or settee with storage in the seat.  In England, this would be called a monk’s bench.  During the 18th and early 19th century, these types of pieces were useful when a room was used for several purposes.  When not needed, the table could be converted to a bench and pushed up against the wall.  As you can see from the photos below, this is a rather plain piece, so utilitarian rather than decorative.  However, this would also allow it to work well with modern pieces.


Also featured this month is an example of the refinishing work we do.  Below are “before” and “after” photos of a 1940’s stereo that we stripped, sanded and refinished.  Now that the weather is improving, Bob will be doing more furniture stripping.  He has tanks specifically for that purpose and would enjoying showing off his set up the next time you’re at the store.




Please stay in touch and take care!


Lynne & Bob McCann

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